Hannah Chomiczewski and Jiayi Li give a bilingual reading (in English and Chinese) of the upcoming picture book "THE Question" which is based on the exhibit in the library's Reading Room.
"THE Question," a photography series by Larry Parsons on display in the second floor Reading Room, is soon to be released as a children’s book. The exhibit takes the viewer on a photographic journey in search of the answer. A young boy and his water buffalo constitute our guide through this narrative series, and we follow the questioner as he encounters many different characters and answers. Both the tale and the photographs that narrate it evoke a childlike inquisitiveness that echoes classic storytelling traditions, as Chinese hand-carved wooden figures come to life along with a host of eclectic household objects.
Co-translated from English to Chinese by Alice He and Di Li, this reading will feature images on the large screen of the Community Room with Hannah Chomiczewski reading in English and Jiayi Li reading the translated Chinese text.
Attendees will then visit the exhibit on the second floor.