"Fields of Devotion" follows the unique working partnership between small farmers and plant biologists as they develop disease- and climate-resistant food crops to support New Jersey's food system.
Across America, small family farms are racing against climate change. Unpredictable weather and new diseases are destroying the very crops they depend upon. In New Jersey, when a devastating disease wipes out farmers' fields, growers turn to scientists for help. "Fields of Devotion" follows the unique relationship between farmers and scientists as they work together over a decade to develop disease- and climate-resistant food crops. This is a story of hard work, collaboration and innovative solutions for a rapidly changing world. 29 minutes.
Filmmaker Dena Seidel and others will take part in a post-screening Q&A.
Presented in partnership with the Rutgers Master Gardeners of Mercer County and Sustainable Princeton.
For a full list films and events, visit https://princetonlibrary.org/peff/schedule/.