This documentary explores the life of Marquis Gilbert de Lafayette and evaluates his role in the establishment of America's democracy.
As part of the Princeton region's contribution to the "Lafayette in America 1824/25 Bicentennial," the library is screening the PBS documentary "Lafayette: The Lost Hero."
Directed and written by Oren Jacoby and narrated by John Cullum, this film examines the Marquis's role in the American Revolution and proceeds to document how his position on representative government allowed him to survive the French Revolution in spite of his aristocratic status. Narration, interviews, pictures and reenactments contribute to this reconstruction.
The film will be introduced by Paul Larson, the chair of the New Jersey Lafayette Bicentennial Committee, and Anne de Broca-Hoppenot, Honorary French Consul of Princeton and New Jersey, who will greet the audience with remarks on the special bond between France and America and read a prepared statement by David Bell, Sidney and Ruth Lapidus Professor History at Princeton University.
Note: Captions are unavailable for this film.
Cosponsored by New Jersey Lafayette Bicentennial Committee and American Friends of Lafayette.